Saturday, May 23, 2020

##arison Of Chivalry In Terry Gilliams Monty Python And...

In Beowulf, Beowulf embodies chivalry in his quest for treasure and riches to sustain his kingdom. In Terry Gilliam’s Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Black Knight embodies chivalry by manning his post at a bridge and protecting it. Despite their different motivations for being chivalrous, both Beowulf and the Black Knight demonstrate how chivalry is unsustainable due to its insatiable demands. To defend my thesis, I will be discussing how each text defines chivalry, how the characters in their respective text embody chivalry, what motivates each character to be chivalrous, and why both characters show how chivalry is unsustainable. Beowulf and Monty Python and the Holy Grail share a similar view of chivalry as a fulfillment of one’s†¦show more content†¦His duty requires him to fight the dragon alone to try and obtain its treasure for his kingdom. Even though the chance of success would be far greater with his army beside him, Beowulf chooses to be chivalr ous and face the perilous battle without them. The Black Knight chooses to be chivalrous in his duty as well, relentlessly guarding the bridge against intruders. He even refuses King Arthur when he offers him a place at his â€Å"court in Camelot,† and tells him that since he must cross, he â€Å"must die† (Gilliam). The Black Knight refuses to abandon his post and tarnish his honor and instead remains chivalrous by defending the bridge from King Arthur. Even once he has lost an arm, he continued to fight until he couldn’t anymore, doing all that he could to chivalrously complete his duty against all odds. Beowulf and the Black Knight embody their ideas of chivalry by engaging in combat to fulfill their duties, both forgoing an easier route for the sake of their honor. Where Beowulf and the Black Knight differ is their motivations for being chivalrous. Beowulf is motivated by the welfare of his kingdom. He believed that if he could get the dragon’s treasu re, he could prevent the war â€Å"looming over [his] nation† (Heaney 197). Since Beowulf could not defeat the approaching armies in his old age, he thought that

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Use Of Control To Manipulate Or Coerce Is Not Leading Business Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3457 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Literature review summaries the finding of a search of literature that demonstrates that the literature has been read, located and evaluated as Collis and Hussey (2003) stated in their book Business Research. The literature review also focused on the various knowledge, views and ideas expressed by different authors whether for or and against a topic in the field of studies, its strengths and weakness that has become strategic and critical to this review in the following areas: Competitive Advantage, Corporate Strategy, Marketing Strategies, Corporate Responsibilities, Reward Strategy, Competition, Change Management, Leadership/ Leadership Style, Customer Relation/Satisfaction and Pricing Strategy. 2.1 Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage is the value a firm gives to a product as Porter (1985) says. Dess, et al (2003) also Goldman and Nieuwenhuizen (n.d.) stated, that it is an innovation issue in finding a new and improved way of doing things ensuring long term survival of the organisation. Barney, (2001) gives four empirical indicators for the firm to generate sustained competitive advantage, value, rareness, imitability, and substitutability, while Porter further stated that there are two basic types of competitive advantage: cost leadership and differentiation. This can be achieved essentially by differentiating ones products and services from those of competitors and through low costs or by customising the product. However, Porter advised firms to avoid being stuck in the middle; Knights (1992) found it difficult to follow in practice, while Pitelis and Taylor (1996) argued and understood the concept as being stuck in the middle between the two, Ansoff (1965) used it but more so to ident ify what a firm needed to compete effectively, therefore Porters recommendations for achieving competitive advantage leaves one to conclude it as deficient. Downes article Beyond Porter stated that five forces are no longer viable, but identified three new forces as a strategic business design tool, which has become powerful forces recently, since the markets are highly sophisticated with information technology making digitalisation, globalisation and deregulation viable options. NGCs competitive advantage can be seen in their location which is strategically situated in the education centre of the country. Its leadership style involves an all encompassing approach and their methods of communications have all contributed significantly to their attaining competitive advantage. Additionally, their exposure to wider global initiatives has had the resultant effect of providing an expanding world view and stakeholders input. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Use Of Control To Manipulate Or Coerce Is Not Leading Business Essay" essay for you Create order 2.2 Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy can be seen as a management control system in organisation. Johnson and Scholes (2004) define strategy as the direction and scope of an organisation over the long termÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦. Thompson, (2004, p.24) stated, corporate strategy consists of the initiatives the company usesÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦the approaches corporate executives pursue ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦and the means of capturing and turning cross-businesses synergies into competitive advantage. Some authors criticisms of Porters is that his concepts need further clarification, his premature dismissal of the portfolio approach, Goold (1987) argue that there are few circumstances under which a financial control style can be preferable his lack of attention for organisational issues, difficulty in operationalizing the better-off test, and the unclearly defined concept of corporate theme. While no longer at the forefront of corporate st rategy his ideas are still accepted and applicable in the business world. Porter stated:It is a pattern of major objectives, purposes or goals and essential policies or plans for achieving those goals. In other words, it defines what business the company is in or is to be in and the kind of company it is or is to be. The objectives and policy are a framework of a corporate strategy, and describe an organisations purpose, plans and actions for implementation as written by Andrews. Mullins, (2007) puts another spin on strategy when he stated, competitiveness and the external environment have placed important emphasis on corporate strategy and the competencies of managers. Hence, it seems that the strategy at NGC places deliberate and systematic emphasis on leadership development and to consciously seek to identify potential leaders and providing avenues for expression. This strategy seems to be excellent for NGC, in a world where leadership is lacking and ethical issues are at t he forefront of corporate governance. Strategy effectiveness is about first asking questions, then improving the quality of those questions through listening to the answers and acting on the new knowledge. Any effective strategy requires the successful integration of thoughts about tomorrows new business opportunities with both past experience and the pattern of todays behaviours as seen in Lloyds, (2001). 2.3 Marketing Strategies: The marketing mix termed by Borden, (1964) refers to the primary elements of product, price, place and promotion known as the 4ps of marketing. The environment has evolved becoming more competitive with emphasis on customer satisfaction and what benefit is it to the customer. Belch, (2004) referred to a product as a bundle of benefits or value that satisfies the needs of consumers. In the case of NGC, it would appear that the potential value-added benefit and product have incrementally developed into a brand worth promoting. Kotler, (2006) defines marketing mix as satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process. It would seem that many organisations are culpable of an inconsiderate approach to their marketing strategy, with the resultant effect of diminishing return in customer satisfaction. (agree or disagree) Levitts (YEAR), states that companies should view marketing from the customers perspective, while sustaining growth depends on how broadly you define the busine ss, and how you gauge the needs of the customer. Most business is seen as producing goods or services as in the private institution, and not as buying customers, they are product oriented instead of customer oriented. Marketing is wide as it is specific and based on the findings in this review it suggests that in order for a marketing plan to be successful the appropriate strategy for the organisation must be applied, in its attempt to achieve the companys objectives. The marketing approach has been observed to be consistent and effective in their methodology towards achieving higher market share and sustainable growth. (show relevance to Research Question) Whether NGC institution present a superior model in light of deteriorating standards and unrealised goals within the education system? (Subject to change) 2.4 Corporate Responsibilities: Corporate responsibilities (CR) refer to the value system and ethical responsibilities of an organisation which serves as an important signal to employees, investors and consumers. (Source?) Kotler and Lee (2005) states that corporations are expected to give back to the communities in the form of charitable projects which is good public relation providing best practices and cutting-edge ideas for todays good corporate citizen. Jones in (Hopkins, 2007) cites, it is not about investing in communities to resolve social problems, but about the companys integrity in governing itself, fulfils its mission, living by its values, engages with its stakeholders, measures its impact and reports on its activities. Blowfield and Murray (2008), In contrast, sees it as creating programmes to tackle specific ideas, then put in place systems to enforce and sustain what is considered to be ethical practices where a report is produced after which it is seen as law and becomes a business drive r. Mercks philosophy of CR is that medicine is important for the people but the profits follow and if we never forget that, increased profitability will follow. Corporate responsibility is critical to any organisation and a main part of human resource management. NGC should revisit their corporate responsibilities to meet or consider the standard outlined in the theories discussed here, so that it may add value to the organisation and thus, further strengthened it competitiveness. 2.5 Leadership: The term Leadership connotes the image of powerful, dynamic individuals who commands victorious armies and leads and direct corporate empires or shape the courses of nations (Yuki, 2010). An observation by Bennis, (1959) states: Always, it seems, the concept of leadership eludes us or turns up in another form to taunt us again with its slipperiness and complexity. So we have invented an endless proliferation of terms to deal with itÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦ and still the concept is not sufficiently defined. There are many definitions for the word leadership and most assumptions are that it is to exert authority, control, traits, behaviours, influence and interaction of patterns and roles over people to guide them in facilitating activities in a group or organisation. Numerous definitions appear to have little in common, such as who exerts influence, the intended purpose, the manner and outcome of that influence. Yuki (2010): Leadership is the process of influenci ng others to understand and agree about what is done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. Leadership according to Katz Kahn, (1978): is the influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with the routine directives of the organisation. Hemphill Coons (1957): the behaviour of an individualÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦.directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal. Burns (1978): is when personsÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦.mobiliseÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦ institutional, political, psychological, and other resources so as to arouse, engage and satisfy the motives of followers. House et al, (1999), leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organisation. Richards Engle (1986); leadership is about articulating visions, embodying values, and creating the environment wi thin which things ca be accomplished. The issue of leadership can be seen as a specialised role or shared influence process which can jeopardise its effect if shared. Another view is an influence process that occurs naturally within a social system and diffused among members. Some theorists define leadership as an exercise of influence resulting in a commitment by followers, as opposed to indifferent compliance or reluctant obedience. Bennis Nanus, (1985), Zalenik, (1977) contend that leadership and management are qualitatively different and mutually exclusive, while Bennis Nanus (1985) proposed managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing. Bass (1990), Hickman (1990), Kotter (1988), Mintzberg (1973) and Rost (1991) view leading and managing as distinct processes or roles, but do not assume that leaders and managers are different types of people. Mintzberg (1973) describes leadership as one of 10 managerial roles. Kotter (1990) prop osed that managing seeks to produce predictability and order whereas leading seeks to produce organisational change. The importance of leading and managing depends in part on the situation. Rost (1991) defined management as an authority relationship that exists between a manager and subordinates to produce and sell goods and services. Leadership or management controversy continues while a person can be a leader without being a manager, and a person can be a manager without leading. Managers are concerned with how things are done and try to get people to perform better, while leaders are concerned with what things mean to people, and try to get them to agree about the important things to be done. (can this be happening @NGC) 2.6 Leadership styles There are many dimensions to leadership and many ways to describe the styles of leaders. Basically, it is the operations and functions of the managers leadership style that continues to have a great effect on the organisation. The leader, a follower, and the situation theories have been classified into: Trait, Behaviour, Power-influence, Situational Integrative, Trait is Behaviour is Power-influence is Situational Integrative which are further conceptualised as intra-individual, dyadic, group and organisational processes. Equally, todays managers seems to be more equipped for every situation where various leadership skills and styles are incorporated into their everyday function to suit the situation and taking on the role as required. Integrative Leadership is a holistic, reflective and responsive approach to leading oneself, leading others, and leading in the organization and involves developing multiple perspectives, utilizing intelligen ces and educating on levels of awareness.(Hatala Hatala, 2005), this leadership model can be seen in NGC, where Fielders favourability of leadership situation, Vroom et al (0000) revised, quality and acceptance of leaders decision, Hersey and Blanchard, readiness level of followers are defined and incorporated along with the path-goal theory by House and later House and Dessler. The integrated contingency models together with the autocratic, laissez-faire, dictatorial, unitary, bureaucratic, benevolent, charismatic, consultative, participative or abdicatorial styles make the function of management even more complex in its application. (This can be eliminated, if too much wordsÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦not important) 2.7 Reward Strategy: Armstrong (2009) writes reward strategies deal with pay structures and can come in different shape and sizes. It can be a form of motivation, whether non-financial as well as financial rewards. Manas and Graham (2003) writes salary, bonuses, benefits and perks are the most visible element of a reward program. Adams suggests that people are only motivated when treated equitably. Latham and Locke states it is both performance and motivation, while Vrooms is based on the more effort, the higher the reward. Rewards can be tangible and intangible, however most employees sees it as pay. Berger and Berger states rewards are the policies and practices that provide you with something of value in return for contributions. Herzbergs factors are seen as motivating people because of the value of the work, the recognition received, along with responsibility and the potential for growth as a reward. Recognition, too many is not seen as a reward because it is not monetary, how be it in many cases, a simple thank you or an acknowledgement by someone in authority would boost ones morale, increase productivity and motivate the employee. Commendations are given on a monthly basis to the students of NGC, as a means of motivation and rewards by the institution. Although succession planning has been initiated, it may be or may not be safe to assume that promotion and remuneration packages are yet to be fully formalised to meet industry standards. This leaves us to believe that the teachers are dedicated and willing to make sacrifices for the students. (are there suggestions to remedy this / increase function by even rewarding teacher based on evaluation by student etc) 2.8 Competition: Competition is a business relation, in which two or more parties compete to gain customers, it is also rivalry between companies to achieve greater market share. Competition between companies for customers will lead to product innovation and improvement; it also builds team spirit and ultimately, lower prices . Porters Five Forces: Diagram of Porters five forces Porters five forces capture the idea of the theory on competition with the suppliers, buyers, substitutes, new entrant and the competitors and has been criticised by Neill. Although Coyne and Subramaniam criticized Porter stating three dubious assumptions underlies the five forces: that buyers, competitors, and suppliers are unrelated and do not interact and collude; that the source of value is structural advantage (creating barriers to entry); and that uncertainty is low, allowing participants in a market to plan for others behaviour. Additionally, Brandenburger and Nalebuff(0000) further criticised Porters five forces and added a 6th force called the complementors, this refers to organisations producing products and services which support those of another industry and add value using game theory which explains strategic alliances. Other references say the 6th force is the government or the public. This may seem to imply that competition drives innovative ideas, increase productivity and also gives way for team spirit. NGC richness of ideas and originality of thinking creatively is indicatives of the adaptability and adaptation of the requirements of the education act, but reserving the right to embrace a multifaceted approach in pursuit of a holistic and all-round learning environment. To quote Helsel: The teacher is capable of exerting considerable control over the destiny of an innovation. This should be continued as it offers opportunities for creativity by students. The exploration of multiple Intelligences can be considered a portal with the potential to inextricably link creativity and innovative ideas. According to Gardner,(0000) every form of intelligence has a unique biological basis, a distinct course of development, and different expert, or end-state, performances; with particular emphasis on the requirement for a lengthy process of education to transform any raw potential into a mature social role. (Bas ic, 1993) Without competition, the possibility exist that there could be freedom for un-ethical practices to be pursued and organisations could use any means necessary to succeed or compete in the market arena. Although the environment is highly competitive, an awareness and understanding of NGC operations should be achieved for the present strategy to be effective. Therefore, monitoring the situation and being at the cutting edge is a matter for NGC to consider with its values for continuum. 2.9 Change Management Change is a pervasive influence. It is an inescapable part of both social and organisational life and we are all subject to continual change of one form or another.(Mullins, 2007) Change can be simplistic and based on observation and not investigation and research, like Grundy (1993) three types are: bumpy incremental change, discontinuous change and smooth incremental change, Senior and Flemming (2006, p. 42-46) Balogun and Hope Haileys (2004) agrees with Grundy but takes it further, while Tushman et al (1988) suggest that change should be developed to be a fit between organisation strategy, structure and processes; thus it is a reactive change made to fit the dynamics of the environment and would have elements of fine-tuning and incremental adjustment. Stacy and Dunphy (2001) argue that corporate transformations can take various forms and should be undertaken in a directive or coercive fashion. Similarly, Kotter (1996) ignores the continuum of change, but argues that org anisations need to be continuously transforming through a series of large and small interlinked change projects at different levels, functions and timescale (Burnes, 2009). Step change which is a sudden change in the value of some variable while Planned change is change consciously embarked upon by an organisation and associated with organisational development, as Lewin in Burnes (2009, p.328) where the organisation identifies and undertakes the process to bring about change. Out of Storey (1992) two key dimensions, were constructed a four-fold typology of change and top-down systemic change aimed at transforming the organisation. Also kaizen or continuous improvement is a method of change that introduces total quality management (TQM) which is a way of managing that gives everyone in the organisation responsibility for delivering quality to the final customer. NGCs motto Impact through education is a transformational phrase and is connected to the governing body, whose foc us is upon personal and individual transformation to that of systemic impact through societal and institutional transformation. NGCs emergent change process morphed over a ten year period, as they learnt and were occupied in the various change methods incrementally. 2.10 Customer Relation: Customer relationship management (CRM) is the influence of effective communication skills that manipulates customers happiness and job satisfaction, giving them the tools the business needs to maximize opportunities and keep customers delighted. CRM according to Genghis Khan is that you cannot be everything to everyone but knowing and understanding your customer and their expectation, knowing what you represent is a key component to any successful organisation.( CRM processes helps to identify and target their best customers, generate quality sales leads, and plan and implement marketing campaigns with clear goals and objectives; it also forms individualized relationships with customers (to improve customer satisfaction) and provide the highest level of customer service to the most profitable customers; which provides employees with the information they need to know their customers wants and needs, and build relationships between the company and its customers. ( The term the customer is always right was used over the years where it was profitable to keep a good customer happy and lose a little profit, rather than argue with the customer. This developed the complaint department and CRM became important to the organisation ( which opened the door for customer satisfaction. Summary: Your headings and arguments need to be integrated to the research questionÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦ 3481wds [They argue that use of control to manipulate or coerce is not leading, but an unethical use of power. (show how there can be used to support the research ques or its objectives) An opposing view is that it is too restrictive and excludes the processes for understanding why managers are effective or ineffective. Depending on the situation the outcome can be different, but commitment to the cause and discovering the best option for individual or the organisation would result in the influential process of leadership. (tell if you agree or disagree with this)] [However, Wilson (1992) and Quinn (1980) criticised that for change to take place an environmental analysis must be done and Quinn states that strategic decisions are made in spite of formal planning, Senior and Fleming, (2006, p.53). ] Innovation is the introduction of something new, a new idea, method, or device: novelty (; while creativity is the ability to produce something new through imaginativ e skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form ( who showed personnel enhancement and aptitude in various skills sets, development. However, by observation it may seems to suggest that only the students are commended for their efforts, while the staff go unnoticed and are bypass where commendations are concerned.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Catholic Baptism Free Essays

Roman Catholicism relates itself to broader and more dominant religion of Chrisitinity. They share a large number of similarities in terms of biblical references(Contender Ministries, 2005). From the immaculate conception of Mary to the trinitarian belief. We will write a custom essay sample on Catholic Baptism or any similar topic only for you Order Now They share the deity of Jesus Christ who died on the cross and was resurrected after three days. Its history started with Peter the Apostle. Being the rock where Jesus Christ appointed his church, Peter along with the other apostles started their â€Å"ministries† and traveled around Europe and to other continents to spread the Word of God and life of Jesus Christ(Religion Facts). From then on the appointment of a pope became a necessity in the survival of the church. Peter being the first pope and considered as the spiritual heir to the leadership of Jesus, Catholics subject themselves in its ruling. The pope administers and heads a hierarchy of religious leaders from the lowest parish priests to cardinals. Also, the crusades have contributed greatly in the acceptance of the Catholic church around Europe. Almost all of the beliefs of the Catholic church is similar to the beliefs of other â€Å"varieties† of Christianity. Being based from a central bible, it follows the teachings of prophets, apostles, and disciples. Also, the concept of a single god with three personas, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ as both divine and human are shared among Catholics. Examples of distinctive beliefs are the leadership of the pope, the existence of purgatory in afterlife, and transubstantiation or the use of bread to represent the body of Christ (Religion Facts). Also, catholics venerate saints as intermediaries to their prayers to God. Catholics gather in their Eucharistic celebration called mass. The mass is usually held weekly, specifically on Sundays, to commemorate the gospels and teachings of Christ. It constitutes gospel readings, a homily or sermon, utterance of certain prayers like The Lord’s Prayer, songs, sacrifices, and communion. Communion symbolizes the last supper where Christ shared bread and wine to His apostles. The structure of a Catholic Church is patterned from that of St. Peter’s Bassilica. It has a large facade that resembles a large altar due to the presence of stone statues of saints. Inside it has a dome over the altar where the ceremonies are being held. Churches also commonly have a grotto in veneration of Mary’s apparition in Lourdes, France (Queen of Peace Productions). Similar to other â€Å"varieties† of Christianity, Catholicism practices baptism. Baptism is included in the seven sacraments they follow to attain eternal salvation(Contender Ministries, 2005). The practice originated from the story in the bible where the Apostle John poured water on Jesus. It is believed that through baptism we are cleansed of our original sin and are now welcome to the chruch of God. In baptism, a person is being poured with holy water over a large basin under the sign of the cross. This marks the acceptance of the person being baptised to the church of Christ. Before the person is poured with water, the presiding priest asked the people present to renounce the devil and the sins accompanying it and follow the teachings of God. On this respect they show their rejection of evil and thus cleanses them particularly the person being baptised from their original sins (Cathechism of the Catholic Church). Also, the utterance of the Apostle’s Creed is done for this purpose. The person being baptised wears white clothes to signify his acceptance of Christ. The whole ceremony is very solemn, though there were jokes on the number of guests which become the godparents of the person being baptised. there feeling of oneness is present among the attendants. The ceremony suggests a feeling of relief for the person being baptised, because again another person is introduced to a religion with its moral and spiritual teachings. How to cite Catholic Baptism, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Target Market Alternatives Of Zest Sedan â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Target Market Alternatives For Zest Sedan? Answer: Introducation Tata Motors launched Tata Zest sedan on 12th August 2014 in India and targeted the capital of India that is Delhi as its target market. Tata Motors flagged off 100 new Zest sedan cars in Delhi, which were purchased by the customers in Delhi. The company targeted Delhi as its target market because Delhi NCR comprises of a large number of car lovers and they love being technologically advanced and ahead of the others (, 2017). However, the target market alternatives for Zest sedan can be the other metropolitan cities of India namely, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik. These cities have a population of more than four million each. These cities have a large number of middle class, upper- middle class and rich families, who can be the potential customers of Tata Zest sedan. The car was priced between Rupees 4.64 lakhs to Rupees 6.99 lakhs (, 2017). Mumbai is considered to be the economic capital of India and a majority of the population comprises of businessmen and the youth working in several companies. Mumbai is a hub for private companies and operations employment opportunities to millions of Indians. Therefore, Mumbai would be a good option as a target market alternative in order to increase the sales. Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore are the hub for IT companies that employ millions of Indians. A majority of the people in these areas are literate and have a good knowledge of technology. Therefore, they can be target market alternatives for Tata Zest sedan. Kolkata, AHmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik are also highly developed areas with a majority population comprising of middle- class and upper sections of the society (Nielsen and Wilhite 2015). This increases the demand for cars in these areas and can be a target market alternative for Tata Zest sedan. Therefore, the metropolitan cities of India can be recommended as the i deal and best suitable target market for Tata Zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the Population for Zest sedan Research population refers to the large group of people or things that are the focus of a research study. The researches are conducted for the betterment of the population. However, it is not always possible for the researchers to to consider the entire population while conducting a research due to its large size (Fowler Jr 2013). This is the reason due to which the researchers use the different sampling methods. Tata Motors defined its population for Zest as the individuals born after 1990 as the majority of the population of India comprises of individuals born after 1990s. The company had targeted the youth of the country and the rural markets. The company emphasized upon developing and penetrating in the rural markets to become the leading car manufacturers in India (Shree, Gupta and Sagar 2017). However, there are several alternative ways of defining population for Tata Zest Sedan. The company can consider the middle- class section of the society (without considering the age groups of the individuals) as its population with an average annual income of Rs 7,37,748. This is because the desire for owning a car is not dependent upon the age of an individual. However, later on in the sample, the age can be considered as the youth has more knowledge about technology and are more fond of cars. The urban as well as the rural population can be considered as the population for Tata Zest Sedan (Babin and Zikmund 2015). The middle- class population in India is deemed to have the similar characteristics, wants and desires. These similar characteristics, wants and desires make it the best population to be considered for Tata Zest Sedan. The purchasing patterns and choices related to cars are almost similar in this population. Choosing this as the population shall make it easier for the co mpany to decide its sample frame and target the appropriate audience. The population comprises of two groups namely target population and accessible population. The accessible population refers to the population to which the researcher can easily reach which might be limited to a certain area (Sinha 2016). The population in case of Tata Zest Sedan can be extremely large as the majority of the population in India comprises of middle- class people. In this case, the poor section of the society can not be considered as they can not afford Tata Zest Sedan and the richer section might prefer more luxurious car to own as a status symbol. Tata Zest Sedan was manufactured with the aim of providing a luxurious car within an affordable budget and would go well with the middle- class society of India. Therefore, the middle- class population of India can be recommended as the appropriate population for Tata zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the Sampling Frame for Zest sedan A sample frame is referred to as the list from wherein the individuals are chosen or selected for a particular research study. Sample frame involves the entire target population and excludes the non- target population (Burns and Bush 2013). A good sample frame includes the appropriate contact details of the population so that the researcher can easily reach them. The sample frame for Tata Zest Sedan can be obtained by dividing the middle- class population into several units. For instance, the age group can be one unit and the area can be another unit. The individuals born between 1970 to 1980 can be considered as one unit, the individuals born between 1980 to 1990 can be considered as one unit and the individuals born after 1990 can be considered as another unit. These three sub-units of age group can be chosen as a sample frame as the individuals falling under these age groups as more likely to purchase Tata Zest sedan. Another sampling frame can be the middle class families belongi ng to urban area and rural areas. The urban areas can be further divided into metropolitan cities of India namely, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat and Nashik. The metropolitan cities have a larger number of working class people who can be the potential customers of Tata zest sedan. A large number of youth belonging to middle- class families work in the several companies in the metropolitan cities of India and earn handsome salaries. These are the people who are technologically advanced and are fond of purchasing new cars with latest technologies and luxury. However, neither are they capable of purchasing high- end cars nor do they prefer basic cars. These are the people who search for cars that are affordable, have advanced technologies and luxurious as well. Tata zest sedan can be a good option for this part of population as the car is both luxurious as well as affordable. In case of the rural areas, the developed rural areas can be selected, this might have potential customers. This frame shall help the researcher in selecting the most appropriate sample (Levy and Lemeshow 2013). Therefore, the middle class people belonging to the above mentioned age groups and residing in developed rural and urban areas can be recommended to be the ideal sampling frame for T ata zest sedan. Alternative ways of defining the sampling approach for Zest sedan Sampling is very crucial in selecting the respondents while gathering the primary data during a research process. Sampling approach refers to the selection of appropriate individuals for the research study while collecting the data through primary data collection technique (Zikmund et al. 2014). There are two alternative approaches of defining a sampling approach namely probability sampling and non- probability sampling. Probabilistic sampling approach refers to the approach wherein the respondents of a particular research study are selected on a random basis (Dillman, Smyth and Christian 2014). The individuals comprising the population have an equal opportunity of becoming a part of the sample. The approach guarantees that all the individuals comprising the population have the equal selection chances. However, it becomes necessary to set a particular procedure of collecting the data so that the units considered in the sample frame have almost the equal probabilities of selection (Be rnard, Wutich and Ryan 2016). Probabilistic sampling gives unbiased results and the inferences obtained are statistical. The hypothesis is tested in case of probabilistic sampling approach. Probabilistic sampling methods involve simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling and systematic sampling (Ocal and Babin 2016). Non- probabilistic sampling approach refers to the approach wherein the samples gathered do not get the equal chance of being selected. Instead, there are certain selection criterions on the basis of which the samples are selected. Non- probabilistic sampling approach is used when the researchers face the issues of limited time and budget. The selection of the sample is entirely dependent upon the researchers subjective judgment. Therefore, the conclusions inferred do not relate with the entire population. The methods of non- probabilistic sampling involves convenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling and snowball sampling (Ritchie, Lewis and Elam 2013). Recommendation In this particular case of Tata zest sedan, the recommended sampling approach shall be non- probabilistic sampling approach as this sampling approach shall help the researcher to obtain the desired outcomes. Selecting individuals on a random basis would involve more time and higher budgets however, non- probabilistic sampling shall help the researcher in obtaining the desired results within a particular time duration (Gelman et al. 2014). Thus, the conclusions obtained shall not be inferred to the entire population as the research deals with only middle- class families of India. The population shall further be divided into sampling frames on the basis of age and location, which will help the researcher to emphasize upon the target audience of Tata zest sedan. Explanation of the effectiveness of the above approach The non- probabilistic sampling approach shall be more effective in the case of finding the target audience for Tata Zest sedan as it shall be more convenient and shall involve lesser costs. The non- probabilistic sampling shall consider only those individuals who are related with the research study whereas, the individuals who are not related with the research study shall be ignored. For instance, the target audience for Tata Zest sedan are the middle- class families in India as the car would fulfill their wants and desires and they can afford to purchase the car. On the contrary, if probabilistic approach would have been applied, it would have got involved the poor and the rich section of the society who would not be interested in purchasing Tata Zest sedan. The poor section of the society would be incapable of affording the car while the rich section of the society would prefer expensive cars that would add to their status symbol. Tata Zest Sedan is a car that ranges between Rupee s 4.64 lakhs to Rupees 6.99 lakhs in India. The features and price of the car is capable of attracting the attention of the middle- class families in India. The middle- class population in India is deemed to have the similar characteristics, wants and desires. These similar characteristics, wants and desires make it the best population to be considered for Tata Zest Sedan. The purchasing patterns and choices related to cars are almost similar in this population. Choosing this as the population shall make it easier for the company to decide its sample frame and target the appropriate audience. Therefore, the population recommended for the research study was the middle- class families in India, which can be further divided into several units on the basis of age and location. The potential customers of Tata Zest sedan are supposedly to be the white collar employees working in the major cities of India especially the metropolitan cities as these cities provide employment opportunities t o a large number of population due to the presence of several companies in those cities. 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